VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.water the XX= 浇花
ex: The grandmother waters the flowers/ waters the plants. 

2. weed (verb)= 锄草
ex: Mr Bean needs to help his grandmother to weed the grass.

3. greet= 打招呼
ex: Mr Bean must greet the important people politely.
ex: I greet my teachers every morning

Speaking exercise

Today I went to school, I drew my friend a pizza, a carrot, an ice-cream and a tomato. Today I’m very happy because today have my favourite class- drawing class. Tomorrow we will have drawing class too, and we read book in the library. My favorite is Mrs. Pan, she can tell us to draw many things. Today she told me how to color a beautiful sky. We also draw very big leaf.


Today I went to school, I drew my friend a pizza, a carrot, an ice-cream and a tomato. Today I’m very happy because I had my favourite class- drawing class. Tomorrow we will have drawing class too, and we will read book in the library. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Pan, she can teach us how to draw many things. Today she told/taught me how to color a beautiful sky. We also drew a very big leaf.