VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1. score= (usually used in competitions/ games) 比分
ex: what’s the score for the soccer game? 2 to 1
ex: The score right now for the basketball game is 0:0.

2. grade/ mark= (usually used in school) 分数(学校)
ex: What mark did you get on the math test? I got 80%.
ex: I used to get good grades in school.
ex: I got a bad mark on my math test. I only got 50%.

3. grade= 年级
ex: What grade is your son in?
ex: What grade are you in? I am in grade 2.

4. elementary school/ primary school
secondary school/ high school
college/ university

5. bachelor degree 本科
Master degree 硕士/研究生
Doctor degree 博士

6. depression= 抑郁症
ex: I know a grade 3 boy who suffers/have with depression
ex: I have depression after pregnancy.

Speaking exercise

If your kid wants to study in BYG, you must donate 2 million yuan. If you donate 2 million, you will be eligible for the interview.