VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1. mannequin= 假人
ex: in every mall, there are many mannequins wearing different clothes.

2. elevator= 电梯
escalator= 扶梯
ex: Mr Bean was running on the escalator because the thief is behind him.
ex: In the mall, I like to use the escalator more than the elevator.

3. fitting room= 试衣间
ex: Mr Bean wants to try on the clothes, so he goes to the fitting room.
ex: I go to the fitting room for trying on the clothes.

4. steal/ stole= 偷/偷了
ex: the thief wants to steal something in the mall.
ex: He stole my money, I can’t buy anything

5. cuff= 手铐
ex: the policeman cuffed the thief and takes him to the police station.

6. try XX on= 试衣服
ex: I want to try it on. 我想试一试
ex: I want to try the blue shirt= 我想试试蓝色的衣服

Speaking exercise

One day, Mr Bean go shopping, and he want buy t-shirt and he want try and get dressed. Many time ago, Mr Bean doesn’t go outside, the shop want to close the door, but the girl doesn’t see Mr Bean. Now the door is closed, Mr Bean see the light isn’t open, and then he is playing table tennis. One thief is in the shop, he wants to take the things in the shop. He saw sled, he used the sled go under the elevator, it’s very fast.


One day, Mr Bean goes shopping, and he wants to buy some clothes and he wants to try them on. Many hours later, Mr Bean doesn’t go outside the room, the shop closes the door, but the salesperson doesn’t see Mr Bean. Now the door is closed, Mr Bean sees that  the light is off, and then he is playing table tennis. One thief is in the shop, he wants to take the things in the shop. He sees the sled, he uses the sled to go down the escalator, it’s very fast.