VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


Killing Eve
How to get away with murder 逍遥法外


1.lines= 台词
ex: even though Angelina Jolie is the main character, she doesn’t have many lines.
ex: Some actors are good at memorizing lines.

2. episode = 集
season = 季
ex: GOT has 8 seasons and many many episodes. 

3. had it coming= 自作自受
ex: you threw away her lipsticks and she broke up with you, you had it coming. 

4. late snack= 夜宵
ex: how often do you eat late night snack?

5. on speaker= 外放
ex: some people like to watch dramas with their iPad on speaker on the train.
ex: don’t put me on speaker, I have important things to say to you.
ex: Am I on speaker? 我现在是被公放吗?

6. lyrics= 歌词
ex: Jay Chou always forgets his lyrics during the concert, so he will start to make up things.

7. brag (verb)= 吹牛 吹嘘
ex: he was bragging about his fishing equipments.

8. arrogant= 自大的 自傲的
ex: do you think he is arrogant?
ex: I think he’s arrogant, he doesn’t respect you, and even criticizes your choice of coffee shop.

Speaking exercise

do you know a TV show called “Why Women kill”? I think it is so good, I like it. I saw the TV show last week, and when I saw the first episode, I am addicted. This Thursday, it has an ending. When it update on the app, I saw it at the first time. I like the ending, but I think Taylor and Eli had it coming. Another people called Rob, his daughter died because of his fault. When his wife knew the truth, she wanted to kill him, I think she’s right. I think every mother knows who kills their children, they also want to kill them.I can understand her.

I went to my home town on Sept 30th. When I arrived my home, my friend want to ask me to eat late snack. On October 1st, I stay back home with my family, I saw the army parade with my parents, I was very happy because I stay with my parents. There are 7 days on my vacation. Everyday I went out with my friends on morning or afternoon, in the evening, I go back home and eat dinner with my family. My mother arranged a blind date and she asked me communicate with the boy. So I went to a coffee shop with the boy and chat, but I didn’t like him. At first, I asked him if he has time in the evening, we could go to the park, and next day I have an important thing. So I changed the time and he says ok. When I met him, I said “I’m so sorry that I changed the time”. I wait for a long time, he still talk to his friend on speaker. I was annoyed, I say “you are so busy”, and then he close the mobile phone and chat with me. When he talk with me, he also brag about his fishing equipment and his business. He says didn’t like the location.


do you know a TV show called “Why Women kill”? I think it is so good, I like it. I watched the TV show last week, and I got addicted when I saw the first episode. The final episode came out this Thursday. When it got updated on the app, I watched it immediately. I like the ending, but I think Taylor and Eli had it coming. There’s another character named Rob, his daughter died because of him. When his wife knew the truth, she wanted to kill him, I think she’s right. I think every mother would want to kill the killer of their children .I can understand her.

I went to my home town on Sept 30th. When I arrived my home, my friend wanted to ask me to eat late night snack. On October 1st, I stay at home with my family, I saw the army parade with my parents, I was very happy because I could stay with my parents. The vacation lasted for 7 days. Everyday I go out with my friends in the morning or in the afternoon, in the evening, I go back home and eat dinner with my family. My mother arranged a blind date and she asked me to meet with the boy. So I went to a coffee shop with the boy and chatted, but I didn’t like him. At first, I asked him if he has time in the evening, we could go to the park, and next day I had a change of plan. So I changed the time and he said ok. When I met him, I said “I’m so sorry that I changed the time”. I waited for him for a long time, he was talking to his friend on speaker. I was annoyed, I said “you are so busy”, and then he put away his mobile phone and chatted with me. When he talked to me, he also bragged about his fishing equipment and his business. He said didn’t like the location.