VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


watch “Mr and Mrs Smith” by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt and write a summary


1.blonde hair = 金发 yellow hair
ex: she has blonde hair and blue eyes.

2. immune to XX= 对XX免疫
ex: I thought I was immune to hot guys, but I wasn’t.

3. immune system= 免疫系统
ex: your immune system will be down when you get sick.

4. touch wood= 呸呸呸
ex: ” I never get sick” “can you please touch wood hahaha”

5. goddess= 女神
ex: Angelina Jolie is my mom’s goddess/ idol.

6. godmother= 教主
ex: she’s her godmother, she took care of her for many years.

7. subtitles= 字幕
ex: I like to watch movies with subtitles.

8. take (sb/XX) for granted = 觉得理所应当
ex: I take my mom for granted, I think she should cook and wash dishes.
ex: Most of us take education for granted because we live in a big city.

9. expelled from school/ kicked out from school= 被退学/被踢
ex: if you smoke at school, you will be kicked out.
ex: he got expelled from school because he bullied another student.

10. drop out of school= 辍学(自己不要)
ex: One of my friend dropped out of school 

11. cheat= 作弊
ex: if you cheat in class, you will be expelled from school.
ex: if they cheat in the final exam, they will have criminal record.

12. summary= 简介
ex: can you give me a short summary of Malificient?

13. lines= 台词
ex: if you are the main character in the movie, then you will have many lines.

14 .Gemini= 双子座
ex: I’m a Gemini, lots of people think I’m a playgirl.

15. sniper= 狙击手
ex: Will Smith is a sniper, he can kill someone from 2 km away on a moving train.

Speaking exercise

When I waiting you, I saw a foreigner, maybe she will interview the teacher. She sit at the chair, she look at me and then she smiled for me. Yesterday evening, my mother and I went to the cinema to watch the “Malificient”, because my mother think her mouth is so hot.

I think Malificent is a cool lady. At the beginning of the movie, she just little worried her line. Her power is so strong in the movie, she killed a queen and let her become a sheep. Finally, human and elf have peace.


When I was waiting you, I saw a foreigner, maybe she will interview for the teacher position here. the teacher. She sat beside me, she looked at me and then she smiled at me. Yesterday evening, my mother and I went to the cinema to watch the “Malificient”, because my mother thinks AG’s lips are so sexy. 

I think Malificent is a cool lady. At the beginning of the movie, she just has a few lines. Her power is so strong in the movie, she kills a queen and turn her into a sheep. Finally, human and elf have peace.