VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.ticket= 票🎫
ex: you need to buy a ticket to go to the zoo.

2. expensive (adj)= 贵的
ex: the ticket to the zoo is very expensive.

3. cheap (adj)= 便宜的
ex: the water is very cheap, it’s only 2 yuan for one bottle.

4. bottle= 瓶
ex: I can drink 3 bottles of water everyday.
ex: I forgot to bring my bottle of water, I’m so thirsty.

5. can= 罐

ex: He drink one can of coke everyday.
ex: I can never finish a can of coke.

Speaking exercise

This is about Mr Bean and the little monkey. Mr Bean gets to the zoo. He needs to buy the ticket, he thinks it is a lot of money to buy the ticket and the map, but he really wants to go into the zoo. He just gives the money to the lady. First he sees a lion, second he sees some little monkeys. The little monkey want to eat his sandwich, but Mr Bean doesn’t want the monkey to eat sandwich. The monkey was very mad so he grabbed Mr Bean’s windshield. Mr Bean was very mad, when he goes home, he sees a monkey is eating his banana and the monkey was afraid of Mr Bean and it runs Mr Bean’s house. Mr Bean run after the little monkey.


This is about Mr Bean and the little monkey. Mr Bean gets to the zoo. He needs to buy the ticket, he thinks it is expensive to buy the ticket and the map, but he really wants to go into the zoo. He just gives the money to the lady. First he sees a lion, then he sees some little monkeys. The little monkey wants to eat his sandwich, but Mr Bean doesn’t want the monkey to eat it. The monkey is very mad so he grabs Mr Bean’s windshield. Mr Bean is very mad, when he goes home, he sees a monkey in his backseat and eating his banana, the monkey is afraid of Mr Bean and it runs to Mr Bean’s house. Mr Bean runs after the little monkey.