VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.insomnia (noun)= 失眠
ex: I had an insomnia 2 days ago.

2. under reno (renovation)= 在装修
ex: the 10th floor has been under renovation for a long time.

3. advertisement (noun)= 广告
advertise (verb)= 投广告
ex: how do you wish to advertise your wedding shop?
ex: It’s expensive to place advertisement on 大众点评。

4. hack= 侵入 破解
hacker= 黑客
ex: I wanted to hack into my husband’s phone but I failed.
ex: XX was a famous hacker, he hacked the British Intelligence.

5. unfortunate (adj)= 很不幸的
ex: It’s very unfortunate that he has a crazy wife.
ex: My husband should feel fortunate that I was his wife.

6. strategy= 策略
ex: I have a good strategy to promote your store.
ex: you need to think of some different strategies to make money.

7. desperate for = really really want
ex: She was desperate for a baby, because she wanted him to marry her.
ex: Yannis is desperate for crazy money. \

8. desperate (adj)= 绝望的
ex: I was desperate when I found out that my boyfriend was gay.
ex: I was desperate when he said he wanted another baby.

Speaking exercise

if you want to show your shop on 大众点评, you need to pay 40,000. Now I prepare a new marketing with WeChat, you will watch some advertisement on moment. The WeChat tell me one customer see your advertisement, you will spend a 10 cents. iPhone is safety, if you use android, they can hear your sound. I attend a meeting about Big Data. If you use Apple, no one can hack your phone. But if you use Huawei, the police have a machine, your information will be transferred. So I never use Android.


if you want to advertise your shop on 大众点评, you need to pay 40,000 annually/ a year/per year. Now I am preparing a new marketing strategy with WeChat, you will see some advertisements on moments. The WeChat says that if one customer sees your advertisement, you will pay 10 cents. iPhone is safe, if you use android, they can hear your sound. I attended a meeting about Big Data. If you use Apple, no one can hack your phone. But if you use Huawei, the police has a machine, all of your information will be transferred. So I never use Android.