VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.tap water (noun)= 自来水
ex: you shouldn’t drink tap water in China because it’s contaminated.

2 .blind date (noun)= 相亲
ex: I went on a blind date with a man and we went to see Cirque du Soleil.

3. people skill= how to deal with people
ex: people skill includes communicating, negotiating, bargaining.

4. ferry= 邮轮 游船
ex: we were on a small ferry to look at the view and feed the fish.

5. transparent= 透明的
translucent= 半透明的
opaque= 不透明的 (Oh pake)
ex: Metals are opaque, so it can keep out the light.

6. blind= 百叶窗
curtain= 窗帘
ex: In Canada, most people use blinds in their apartment instead of curtains.

7. peacock= 孔雀
ex: We saw many peacocks in Okinawa.

8. rides= 玩项目
ex: did you go on the rides at HaiChang Aquarium?

9 .triple= 三倍 3times
ex: The UV is tree times stronger than Shanghai.
ex: I wish I could triple my income.

10. tanned/ dark= describe someone who is “black”
ex: I didn’t get tanned in Japan but I got freckles.

11. freckle= 雀斑 (fre kou)
ex: I don’t really care about my freckles, I worry about my wrinkles more.

Speaking exercise

Last month, I went to Okinawa for holiday and I buy ticket. I don’t need to pay for kids, the kid is under 1.2m. I need to pay 4 tickets for adults. The bottom of the ship is transparent, so we can see the fish swimming. We went to a zoo, we can feed every animal and take a train take a look animals. Best is not many people. We can enjoy privately. My son fed the pigs and peacocks.


Last month, I went to Okinawa for holiday and I bought tickets for the activities. I don’t need to pay for kids because they are under 1.2m. I need to pay 4 tickets for the adults. The bottom of the ship is transparent, so we can see the fish swimming. We went to a zoo, we can feed every animal we see and take a train to have a closer look at the animals. The best thing is that there weren’tBest is not many people. We can enjoy it in private. My son fed the pigs and the peacocks.