VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.fixed= 固定的
ex: I like to have a fixed hairdresser to do my hair.
ex: I like to have a fixed class time.

2. half a (month/year/ week/day)
ex: I will be away for half a week in November (from Nov 9 -Nov 16.)

3. English speaking country= a country that speaks English as a native language
ex: Canada is an English speaking country. 

4. robbery (noun)= 抢劫
rob (verb)= 抢
ex: I got robbed on the street= 我在街上被抢了

5. refugee =难民
ex: There are a lot of refugees in Canada.

6. weed= 大麻
ex: Canada legalized weed and I don’t like it.

7. entrance drug= 入门毒品
ex: Weed is just an entrance drug, people will do cocaine, mushrooms, etc.

Speaking exercise

Monday, Jeanie invited me to jazz bar drink and talking. When we waiting for a taxi on the street, we sat there, one person asked me for WeChat. Next day, I told my colleague.

She told me she feel that they can be together, I never told her boyfriend. Her ex boyfriend invite me to play badminton on next Tuesday, but I worked overtime today. Her ex boyfriend ate HaiDiLao with his friend at the Parkson, it opened a half year. I should find an English speaking country. My customer went to travel on England, she met a rob. Four women were robbed on the street. She and her boyfriend were together when they got robbed.


On Monday, Jeanie invited me to go to the jazz bar to drink and talk/chat. When we were waiting for a taxi on the street, we sat there, one person asked me for WeChat.  I told my colleague about it the next day. 

She told me that maybe they can be together again, I never told her boyfriend. Her ex boyfriend invited me to play badminton on next Tuesday, but I worked overtime today. Her ex boyfriend ate HaiDiLao with his friend at the Parkson, it opened for half a year a half year. I should go to an English speaking country. My customer went on a trip to/ traveled to England, she was robbed. Four women were robbed on the street. Her boyfriend and her were together when they got robbed.