VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1. baggage claim=  拿行李的地方
ex: I need to go to number 4 for baggage claim. 

2. go for it= do it
ex: I’m ready, I’m gonna go for it now.

3. cramp= 抽筋
ex: If you run after you eat, you will have a cramp.
ex: I can’t exercise now, I have a cramp.

4. slowpoke= someone who is really really slow at doing something
ex: you are such a slowpoke, I’ve been waiting for you for 2 hours.
ex: I’m a slowpoke in the morning, I always do my makeup at the last minute.

5. gotta= have to
ex: I gotta go= I have to go.
ex: I gotta talk to you now= I have to talk to you now.

6. gave away the ending= spoiled the ending =剧透
spoiler (noun)= 剧透
ex: I watched the spoiler before I watched the movie.
ex: I never get mad when people spoil the ending for me

7. spoil (verb)= 宠坏 (negative word)
ex: My mom spoiled my brother, that’s why he’s so immature.
ex: I think I will spoil my daughter because she’s too cute.

8. manipulate (verb)= 掌控 操控
ex: men can manipulate women easily with money.

9. in charge (shows more control) = responsible for
ex: I am in charge of cleaning the room= I am responsible for cleaning the room.
ex: I am in charge of the department, I am the GM.

10. chilled= 悠闲的
ex: I’m a very chilled person, nothing gets on my nerves. a good mood 心情好
in a bad mood 心情不好
ex: I’m in a good mood today because I had sushi for lunch.
ex: are you in a bad mood? why do you look so down.

12. keep it as simple as possible= 越简单越好
ex: we wanted to keep the funeral as simple as possible. 

13. sibling= 兄弟姐妹(直属)
ex: I have two siblings, a sister and a brother.

14. on behalf of= 代表
ex:  On behalf of SE, I want to thank you for the years of support.
ex: You attended the funerals on behalf of your father.

Speaking exercise

Couple years ago, I didn’t spoil my daughter because I always worry about something what happened on her. I wanted her will be independent girl, so I always worried something would happen to her. I taught her and suggest her, even she was a kid in kindergarten. Now I thought I worry too much, I should give her a happy childhood. I try to change. Maybe in the future, I will spoil her.

two years ago, I tried to taught my daughter how to judge a man. I used some simple ways. Kids always have some bad habits. I taught her don’t do that again.


Couple years ago, I never spoiled my daughter because I always worry that something bad will happen to her. about something what happened on her. I wanted her to be an independent girl, so I always worried something would happen to her. I taught her and suggested her, even when she was a kid in kindergarten. Now I think I worried too much, I should give her a happy childhood. I try to change. Maybe in the future, I will spoil her.

two years ago, I tried to teach my daughter how to judge a man. I used some simple ways. Kids always have some bad habits. I taught her not to do that again.