VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.i’ve had enough= 我受够了
ex: I’ve had enough, I can’t be in this relationship anymore.
ex: I’ve had enough, please leave the room.

2. tolerant (adj)= 宽容的
tolerance (noun)= 宽容
ex: I have no tolerance for cheated men.
ex: My mom is very tolerant, she’s a forgiving mother.

3. street-smart
book- smart
ex: Some people are street-smart, they don’t have a good education background, but they are good with people.
ex: A lot of people studying in QingHua are just book smart, they know nothing about the real world.

4. scumbag= 渣男
ex: this man is a scumbag, he won’t marry her until she gives birth to a son.

5. narrow-minded= 思想狭隘
ex: Most men from WZ are narrow-minded, they think they can dominate over women.

6. narcissist (noun) =自恋狂
narcissistic (adj) = 自恋的
ex: my husband is a narcissist, he will change 5 times before he leaves the door.
ex: I have a narcissistic husband.

7. age (verb) = 长大
ex: As I age, I like myself less.
ex: we have different concerns about life as we age.

8. puffy (adj)= 肿的
ex: I have puffy eyes today, I didn’t sleep well.
ex: they have a puffy face because of the injections.

Speaking exercise

I went to Scotland last time and actually I saw some pictures but cannot fell it. The castle was really amazing but you cannot fell it through a picture. Also, you can try a lot of things and know how the local people live. You may try a lot of things including culture, music and food. A lot of things are much more better than you just read it. That will open mind. When you see nature, you will think human being is so small. Maybe you have some pain and trouble, but you see some beautiful views, everything will pass, it will help you get through some difficult times. Sometimes you can make some friends, you will meet some dangerous person and deal with a lot of things just happened. When we went to a place, the train was cancelled, we see customers for refund, you will practice how to solve the problems, that’s also a good experience, it can teach you a lot of things.


I went to Scotland last time and actually I saw some pictures before but I could not feel it. The castle was really amazing but you could not feel it through a picture. Also, you can try a lot of things and know how the local people live. You may try a lot of things including culture, music and food. A lot of things are much more better than you just reading from the books. That will open up your mind. When you see the nature, you will think human being is so small. Maybe you have some pain and trouble, but when you see some beautiful views, everything will pass, it will help you to get through some difficult times. Sometimes you can make some friends, you will meet some dangerous situation and deal with a lot of unexpected matters. When we went to a place, the train was cancelled, we saw customers asking for a refund, you will practice how to solve the problems, that’s also a good experience, it can teach you a lot of things.