VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]

Today we focused on:

1. trade-in= 折抵
ex: I will not trade-in my old iPhone because I have to give it to my mom.

2.struggling= 纠结 困惑
ex: I’m struggling with my new job= I can’t do well in my new job
ex: I’m struggling between HW and Apple, I don’t know which phone to buy.

3. reception= 信号
ex: I have really bad reception in the office.

4. turned off/ shut down= 关机
ex: my phone turned off automatically.

5. warranty =保修
ex: we have one year warranty for iPhones.
ex: if you buy apple care, you get 2 years warranty.

6. karma= 因果报应
ex: do you believe in Karma? Yes I do.

7. screen protector= 屏保
ex: I always buy a screen protector for my phone just incase it drops.

8. just incase= 以防万一
ex: you should bring an umbrella, just incase it rains.
ex: I should take some pills, just incase my flu gets worse.

9. cracked= 裂了 碎了
ex: the egg cracked, I can’t use this.
ex: my screen cracked, I need to go to Apple Store.

10. selfie= 自拍🤳
selfie stick= 自拍杆
ex: you cannot bring the selfie stick to Disneyland, it’s banned.
ex: I don’t like to take selfies anymore, I think I look weird in pictures.

11. weird= 怪怪的
ex: There’s a weird man looking at you, you should run.
ex: That’s so weird, why did he say that?

12. chips= 薯片
ex: do you like to eat chips? I don’t.

13. snacks= 零食 小吃
ex: do you eat snacks in the afternoon?
ex: Snacks make me happy.

Speaking exercise

Apple launched a new iPhone. I wonder whether I need to change a new iPhone, but compared to Huawei, I’m not sure which one is better. iPhone is expensive, it’s 12,000. iPhone has not 5G technology, it’s faster than 4G. Most people said that next year, 5G will cover lots of cities. If your phone not carry 5G, on next year, maybe you cannot use this technology. iPhone’s system is IOS system, but Huawei is Android. Most people said Android is better than last severals years. I always use IOS system, I think it’s very convenient, if I change the system, I won’t be used to it. I don’t know how to choose, maybe I will wait iPhone 12. I saw many news on XHS, some users said their Huawei sped not changed slow. Some people said the speed changed slow than 2 years ago, some people said they don’t find any change. Huawei’s camera is the best, my husband’s colleague use Huawei, he used his colleague’s phone to take a photo, he said it’s so amazing. One of my friend used Huawei two years ago, she said the photo is so beautiful, when you photo yourself, you don’t need Meitu, it’s so beautiful.

Last year, my phone closed automatically. Even though I buy a screen protect, but my screen never broken.


Apple launched a new iPhone. I wonder whether I need to change a new iPhone, but compared to Huawei, I’m not sure which one is better. iPhone is expensive, it’s 12,000. iPhone doesn’t have the 5G technology, it’s faster than 4G. Most people said that next year, 5G will cover lots of cities. If your phone is not a 5G carrier, on next year, maybe you cannot use this technology next year. iPhone’s system is IOS system, but Huawei is using Android. Most people said Android is better compared to last severals years ago. I always use IOS system, I think it’s very convenient, if I change the system, I won’t be used to it. I don’t know how to choose, maybe I will wait for iPhone 12. I saw many news on XHS, some users said their Huawei speed remained the same. Some people said the speed was slower than 2 years ago, some people said they don’t see any changes. Huawei’s camera is the best, my husband’s colleague uses Huawei, he used his colleague’s phone to take a photo, he said it’s so amazing. One of my friend used Huawei two years ago, she said the photo is so beautiful, when you take a selfie, you don’t need Meitu, it’s so beautiful.

Last year, my phone turned off automatically. Even though I buy a screen protector, but my screen never cracks.