VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.mark= 分数
ex: if she gets a bad mark on the test, she will cry. She’s very sensitive.
ex: do you get good marks in school?

2. passed= 过了 及格了
ex: I passed the first English test.

3. failed= 不及格
ex: I failed the math test, I only got 59%
ex: Annie, did you fail the test? Why are you crying?

4. wife= 媳妇 老婆 妻子
ex: His wife is mean, I don’t like her.
ex: It’s hard to be a good wife, you need to cook and clean.

5. husband: 老公 丈夫
ex: I want to find a handsome husband.
ex: Your husband is very kind, he must be a nice person.

6. grandson= 孙子
ex: Lots of old people want grandsons because they like boys.
ex: A grandson must be caring and kind to the elders.

7. granddaughter= 孙女
ex: I am my grandma’s favorite granddaughter.
ex: I like my granddaughter more because she is a girl.

8. niece= the daughter of your brother or sister 外甥女 你弟的女儿
ex: I don’t have a niece because my brother is not married.

9. nephew= 侄子 外甥 你弟的儿子
ex: When I have a nephew, I will be around 35 years old.

10. apartment= 公寓
ex: I like in an apartment.

Speaking exercise

My son is swimming at the beach. My wife is planting flowers in the yard. My husband is sleeping on the sofa in our living room. My sister and brother are baking a cake in the kitchen. My grandmother and grandfather are crying at my wedding. My niece is acting in a play at school. My nephew is sitting on his bed and playing the guitar in his bedroom.