VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1. resource (noun)= 资源
network= 人际
connection= 关系
ex: they have lots of resource, so they will ask more from you.
ex: we have limited resource in China. 我们境内的资源有限

2.negotiate (verb) =商量
negotiation (noun)= 商量
ex: This was a bad negotiation, we didn’t have anything in common.
ex: we can negotiate the terms and see the results.

3. in common = similar共同点
ex: I went on a blind date but we have nothing in common. 
ex: She’s my best friend because we have lots in common

4. recognize (verb)= 认可
recognition (noun)
ex: if people recognize the brand, they will pay for it.

5. loyal customers= 忠实客户
ex: we have loyal customers who will make regular purchases from us.

6. channel =渠道
ex: distribution channel =销售渠道

7. capital (noun)= 资金
ex: we need lots of funds and capitals for this project.

8. cash flow= 现金流

Speaking exercise

It’s important for people to know the actual value of fine jewelry. Lots of people nowadays prefer luxury brands like Van Cleef, Chopin, where most of the values goes to the branding and the marketing. However, the accessories should represent a higher taste. Although the luxury brands have its history and brand values, but consumers could shift their attention to new brands with lower price, embedded with the exquisite designs and materials.