VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


juicy= ju see
juice= juse

human= hu men
humid= hu mid


1.borrow—- return =借—-还
ex: Can I borrow your pen?
ex: when will you return my laptop?

2.later=等一下 过一会儿
ex: Jennifer do you have time? Later later

3. alarm (noun)= 闹钟⏰
ex: set an alarm= 设闹钟
ex: I don’t need to set an alarm, I can just wake up.

4. make-up (noun)= 化妆品
ex: do you have make-up in your bag?
ex: put on makeup =化妆

5. get dressed= 穿(出门)衣服
ex: We need to go out, let’s get dressed. 
ex: I’m getting dressed. 

6. pick (      ) up (from______) = 接
drop (    ) off ( to _______) = 送
ex: can you pick me up? From where?
ex: can you drop me off to the airport?

7. red wine = 红葡萄酒
white wine=白葡萄酒
(hard)  liquor= 白酒
champagne= 香槟

Speaking exercise

present tense: 现在式

always, usually, often, never, sometimes

My day
Every morning, Colline usually picks me up from home.  I go to the office at 9. The first thing I do when I arrive at the office is to drink a cup of coffee. Cassie always drinks black tea everyday. I never smoke but sometimes I drink a little wine. I often eat bird’s nest for breakfast.