VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


work outside
do not work outside.
I don’t   work outside

He works inside
He does not work inside
He doesn’t work inside

I/You/we/they   do not       work     ( outside          )
he/she/it            does not     work     (  outside         )

Vocabulary 墨水
ex: my pen is out of ink.
ex: blue ink/ black ink

2. battery=电/电池🔋
ex: my phone is out of battery. 
ex: Judy’s computer is out of battery. 
ex: the battery is dying, I need a charger.

3. lose weight =减肥
ex: My dad needs to lose weight because he is so fat.

4. gain weight =增肥
ex: Some people need to gain weight because they are too skinny

5. skinny/ slim (adj) = 瘦的
ex: Annie is slim, she should eat more.
ex: Lily used to be very slim, but now she eats too much.

6. charger (noun)= 充电器
charge (verb)= 充
ex: Judy’s computer is out of battery so she needs a charger. 
ex: I need to charge my phone, my phone is dead.
ex: I need to charge my computer because it is dead/ it’s dying.

Speaking exercise

what does your dad do /doesn’t do?

In home, he always go to the gym to lose weight, he only watches TV and he is so tired. The next day, he gets up and wear clothes, and he washes the face and brushes the teeth. He never has a lot of breakfast, lunch or dinner because he thinks himself is too fat.


At home, he always goes to the gym to lose weight, he only watches TV and he is so tired. The next day, he gets up and wears clothes, and he washes his face and brushes his teeth. He never eats too much for breakfast, lunch or dinner because he thinks he is too fat.