VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]

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scenario practice “agency and customer”


Who What When Where Why + How

Who +am I speaking with?
Who+ am I having class with? I am having class with Lily.
Who +are we eating with? We are eating with my colleagues
Who+is coming?
I am eating with my parents. >>>I was eating with my colleagues.
Who + were you talking to/with? >> I was talking with my friends.

What +are you/were you doing? m watching TV.
What +do you /did you want to do?
What +do you/ did you want to eat?
What +are you eating?

When+are you coming (back to Shanghai)? I’m coming (back) tomorrow.
When+ are you going/leaving ? I’m going/leaving at 6pm.
When+ are we going to the airport?
When+ is she (Anna) coming to Shanghai?
When+ are they?
+ does your plane/do you arrive?


1. charge my phone= 充电🔋
ex: could you help me to charge my phone please?
ex: My phone is dead, I need to charge my phone.
ex: do you need to charge your phone? 

2. charger (noun)= 充电器
ex: do you have a charger? 你有充电器吗
ex: I didn’t bring my charger. 

3. borrow= 借
ex: I can borrow a charger for you.
ex: Can I borrow a pen?

4. offensive (adj)= 不礼貌
ex: when you ask other people “who are you “, it’s very offensive. 
ex: It’s very offensive to say “waiter, waiter!”

5. who else= 还有谁
what else=还有什么
ex: Who else is coming?
ex: What else do you want to buy?
ex: What else do you want to eat?

6. cost= 成本
ex: The cost is too high
ex: I want to start my own company, but the cost is too high.

7.  travel agency= 旅行社
ex: some people like to buy tickets from the travel agency.