VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.chores= housework
ex: Chores include washing dishes, doing the laundry, cleaning, wiping, etc.

2. choir (kuai er)= 合唱团 singing group
ex: I joined the choir when I was in my elementary school.

Speaking exercise

do you think it’s difficult to balance work and family after being a mother?

I think this is a very tricky question, because question usually raise to the father, but they never happen to a father, that’s not fair. We are all working father, the father should take care of the baby as well, just like the mother. To answer this question, I think yes it is difficult to balance. I don’t stop working during the pregnancy period as well as after I give birth to my baby. I just take 3-4 months maternity leave, and I go back to work. My work is very stressful because I work in the foreign company, a lot of work and a lot of meeting, and a lot of stuff you need to deal with and think about. Especially now my position is a manager, I need to manage my team, my agencies, I also need to go home on time because my mom will need me after my work. My parents are taking care of my two babies.

it’s about the society as well as the history. In the ancient time, in the Qing dynasty, mothers are usually stay at home to take care of their babies, do cooking, cleaning. The fathers will go out to find something to do. That’s their rule and responsibilities. that also happens to Japan and South Korea. That’s our history. The Chinese will have a concept that mothers should stay at home to take care of the baby. This is a very old concept, now our society is developing, a lot of women are going out to find a job to find money as well as the husband, so we’re transforming into from a stay at home mom to the working mom.


I think this is a very tricky question, because the question usually addresses the mother, but never to the father, that’s not fair. We are all working parents, the father should take care of the baby as well, just like the mother. To answer this question, I think yes it is difficult to balance. I didn’t stop working during the pregnancy period as well as after giving birth to my baby. I just took 3-4 months maternity leave, and I went back to work. My work is very stressful because I work in the foreign company, there are lots of works and a lot of meetings, and a lot of stuff you need to deal with many situations and think about them. Especially now my position is a manager, I need to manage my team, my agencies, I also need to go home on time because my mom will need me after my work. My parents are taking care of my two babies.

it’s about the society as well as the history. In the ancient time, in the Qing dynasty, mothers are usually stay at home to take care of their babies as well as the house chores. The fathers will go out to find something to do. That’s their roles and responsibilities. that also happens to Japan and South Korea. That’s our history. The Chinese will have a concept that mothers should stay at home to take care of the baby. This is a very old concept, now our society is developing, a lot of women are working as well as the husband, so we’re transforming into from a full time mom/housewife to a working mom.