VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.plan (verb/noun) = 计划
ex: I am planning (verb) to go on a trip in October.
ex: what’s your plan (noun) for tomorrow?

2. treat (someone)= 对待(谁)
ex: you need to treat other people well.
ex: If you can’t even treat your parents well, how can you treat others well?

3. treat (someone) to (food) =请客
ex: Do you have time tonight? I want to treat you to hotpot/ dinner? 
ex: I treated my mom to eat dimsum. 
ex: it’s my treat!/ it’s on me!= 我请客!
ex: it’s his treat!= he is treating us
ex: it’s on the company = 公司请客

4. first impression= 第一印象
ex: first impression counts. If he doesn’t look like a good guy, he isn’t one.

5. priority (noun)= 优先
ex: you need to know your priorities. 
ex: My sister is his first priority. 

6. factor (noun)= 因素
ex: he will be influenced by many factors such as his friends, his job nature, his families.

Speaking exercise

what should a man do to be considered mature?
For work, he has to have a plan to do everything.