VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


finish the grammar sheets


one person
2 people, 3 people, 100 people

one child一个小孩
two children 两个小孩
50 children
100 children


1. glasses= 👓 眼镜
ex: Is your person wearing glasses?
ex: do you have glasses?

2. blonde hair= 黄色头发

ex: You have blonde hair 
ex: Many girls have blonde hair in Canada.

3. beard= 胡子
ex:  My dad has beards .
ex: Most men have beards.

4. hat= 帽子🎩
ex: Does your person have a hat? 
ex: Jason doesn’t like to wear a hat.

5. straight hair= 直发

ex: Lily has straight hair. 
ex: Lisa has straight hair too.

6. curly hair = 卷发
ex: Martha has curly hair.
ex: Sarah has curly hair. 

Speaking exercise

morning I get up . When I go to school, the school is so good, because I can with my friend play. Teacher is too good I go to home eat lunch and I play iPad and I go there learn English. I will play video games, I play 2 hours, it’s too happy, we eat dinner.


In the morning I got up at 6am. When I went to school, the school was so good, because I can play with my friend play. my teacher was so good, I went home to eat lunch and I played iPad and I came here to learn English. I will play video games for 2 hours,I will be happy and we will eat dinner.