VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


the local people to cook the food –> the local people cook the food


world= were old
word= w erd

aw: paw raw crawl law 噢
awn: lawn pawn drawn
ought: bought fought
aught: caught naughty 

-er-: her nerd pervert perception persist permit serve servant server cracker
-ir-: firm bird dirt first birthplace shirt thirteen thirty thirsty
-ur-: nurse burst hurdle turn surpass surface surgery surprise sunburn

-or-: port airport snort lord sort short ford tort rainstorm story fortune formulate work


1.abs= 腹肌
ex: I had abs many years ago.

2. immature 幼稚
mature 成熟
ex: Most men are immature, they never grow up.
ex: girls mature at the age of 19 whereas men mature around 23.

3. smooth (adj)= 光滑 平顺
ex: if everything goes smooth in your life, you are more likely to be immature.
ex: I had a smooth flight, I slept well on the plane.

4. self-centered (adj)= 自私 自我
ex: I realized that I was very self-centered, I only wanted to make myself happy.

Speaking exercise

I feel happy these days, he’s on a business trip. I am with myself, I feel better now. I have nothing to do these days, I always working, working makes me better. I don’t want to go to eat, sleep and work. I just stay in my room to work from morning to night. I think it’s ok, I can handle it. These days I always eat cantonese food. If I have time, I will go to restaurant to eat. Today, I went to XinWang to eat cantonese food. I want to go back to SZ to eat Cantonese food, it’s more local.


I feel happy these days, he’s on a business trip. I am by myself, I feel better now. I have nothing to do these days, I was/am always working, working makes me better. I don’t want to go to eat, sleep and walk. I just stayed in my room to work from morning to night. I think it’s ok, I can handle it. These days I always eat cantonese food. If I have time, I will go to the restaurant to eat. Today, I went to XinWang to eat Cantonese food. I want to go back to SZ to eat Cantonese food, it’s more local.