VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


complain- com PLAYn

manager= man nay ger


I will also talk to him
I will always love you
I can also talk to him
I can always help you if you need

they will to complain –> they will complain

for+ time period (long and short)
ex: can I talk to you for 2 mins.
ex: I will go to Japan for 1 month.
ex: I called my boyfriend for 30 mins.
ex: I played the piano for 8 years.


1.pile= 一å å çš„
ex: I have piles of homework to do
ex: one pile of cash
ex: pile up (verb)=堆起æ¥

2. rational= ç†æ€§çš„
irrational =ä¸ç†æ€§çš„ ä¸ç†æ™ºçš„
ex: my boyfriend is very rational, he will try to analyze my problems.
ex: I am irrational when I encounter some problems.

3. encounter= meet a thing
ex: encounter a difficulty
ex: encounter a problem
ex: encounter a difficult situation

4. productive (adj)= 有效率的
ex: You can leave work early not because you don’t have much to do, but because you are productive.

5. office politic= 办公室政治
ex: do you have experience with office politic?

6. repetitive (adj)= to describe something that repeats
ex: This job is very repetitive, I do the same things over and over again.

7. delivery man= 快递员
ex: The delivery man make a lot of money.

8. salary= the money you get paid from your job
ex: we spend most of our salary on beauty products, clothes and food.

Speaking exercise

Recently, I didn’t sleep very well, I got insomnia from time to time, my sleep quality was not very good. There’s some problems on my face caused by lack of sleep. Maybe there’s some pressure I think so I can’t sleep will think about the problem when I go to sleep. I supposed to go Xi An tomorrow, but now it was cancelled because recently there are some politic issues in HK, our event was cancelled by this. Now it is a little bit messy. There are many things to do and I didn’t take actions immediately, so the things become more and more, both my work and my life. To release my pressure, I think the effective way is to face the problem and to take actions. Right now, this is the best way to resolve the problem. I also will try to share with my friends and families to talk about my pressures, it helps a bit.

I still live with my parents so they can support me behind and I don’t need to worry about my dinner, and I often to get off work very late, today it’s a bit early since I need to come here for the class. Usually I arrive at home at 9pm after work, and the next day I will go to work maybe on 9 o’clock in the morning. I don’t have too much time to accompany with my parents, even I still live with them. I will spend weekend with my boyfriend. The way I usually make up my parents is to buy what they want and maybe in sometimes I will cook dinner for them.

I joined this company 5 month, the job I did is fresh to me, I don’t have too much experience before. So I can learn a lot from this job. But now, I start to find out the job is a bit boring because it repeats and repeats. The communication with my line manager was not that efficient, she don’t give me the feedback. It’s very convenient, I can take the metro directly to there.


Recently, I didn’t sleep very well, I suffer with insomnia from time to time, my sleep quality was not very good. There’s some problems on my face/ skin conditions due to the lack of sleep. Maybe there’s some pressure on me so I can’t sleep, and I will think about the problem when I go to sleep. I was  supposed to go Xi An tomorrow, but now it got cancelled because recently there are some politic issues in HK, our event was cancelled because of this. Now the situation is a little bit messy. There are many things to do and I didn’t take actions immediately, so the things pile up, both my work and my life. To release my pressure, I think the effective way is to face the problem and to take actions. Right now, this is the best way to resolve the problem. I will also try to share my problems with my friends and families to talk about my pressures, it helps a bit.

I still live with my parents so they can support me behind and I don’t need to worry about my dinner, and I often to get off work very late, today it’s a bit early since I need to come here for the class. Usually I arrive at home at 9pm after work, and the next day I will go to work maybe at 9 o’clock in the morning. I don’t have too much time to accompany with my parents, even though I still live with them. I will spend the weekend with my boyfriend. The way I usually make up to my parents is to buy what they want and maybe in sometimes I will cook dinner for them.

I joined this company for 5 months, this job is fresh to me, I don’t have too much experience from before. So I can learn a lot from this job. But now, I start to find out the job is a bit boring because I do repetitive work. The communication with my line manager is not that efficient, she doesn’t give me the feedback. The location is very convenient, I can take the metro and get there directly to there.Â