VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


short vowels: a e i o u
bat bet bit bot but
hat het hit hot hut
nat net nit not nut
back beck bick bock buck
ban ben bin bon bun

accounting- a COWn ting

find, found


1.( to be) worried about= 担忧
ex: I am worried about my accounting exam.

2. exam (big test: 20% of the class)
test (10-30 questions)
quiz (3-10 questions)

3. pass= 通过 60%
fail = 不过 49%
ex: I need to pass the test.
ex: if you fail the test, can you retake it?

4. watch =看会动的东西
ex: watch TV, watch movie, birdwatch, watch iPad, watch a video

5. 我觉得很艰难(处境)
ex: I think it is hard= I think it is difficult
ex: I am struggling= I am going through a hard time= I am having a hard time= I am having a difficult time.

6. specific =详细的 特定的
ex: “I want to eat Chinese food”. “can you be a little more specific? ”
ex: “I want to buy a shirt.” “can you be a little more specific? do you have a specific style you like?”

7. improve (verb)= 去进步
improvement (noun)= 进步
ex: you need to improve your English because you need it in the job.
ex: I see a big improvement! 
ex: I see no improvements. 

8. require (verb)= 要求
requirement (noun)= 要求
ex: I require my students to come on time.
ex: My boyfriend has many requirements, he wants me to do this and that.
ex: I am required to wear black at work. 被要求做…..

Speaking exercise

what are you worried about?
Now I mostly worried about is my accounting test, because I’m a accountant, this test is very important for out position. Nowadays I have to test 2 subjects this year, the time is short. I watching books and listen classes online. I feel very confident and nervous. The things I should study is too much.

what do you look forward to?
When I pass my exam, I will to find a job for WOFE. This place can use my English. I want a first improvement in my professional. They need first is English interview and English communication with colleagues and clients, so English is very important. WOFE usually use the international accounting principles and I used to accept the Chinese accounting principles, so I want to learn some new style of bookkeeping.


Now I am mostly worried about is my accounting exam, because I’m an accountant, this exam is very important for our position. This year, I have to pass 2 subjects this year, the time is short. I read books and listen to online classes. I feel very confident and nervous. There are a lot of things I need to study The things I should study is too much.

what do you look forward to?
When I pass my exam, I will look for a job in WOFE/ I want to work for WOFE. This place can use my English in this place. I want to improve in my professional field. They require an English interview and English communication with colleagues and clients, so English is very important. WOFE usually uses the international accounting principles and I used to go with the Chinese accounting principles, so I want to learn some new styles of bookkeeping.