VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


experience= x BEE ree yance

work= er
walk= w噢k

talk= t æ¾³k

desert沙漠= DE sert


1. sandstorm= 沙尘暴
hailstorm= 冰雹

2. hot guy =åž‹ç”·
ex: I saw a really hot guy last week
ex: he is really hot.

Speaking exercise

It’s a new beginning for me. It’s a business festival but I think it’s interesting. I went to Inner Mongolia for a week, there are many artifacts. I told you about the festival in ZJ, I think it’s the same festival but different name. It’s called GeBi Heaven. Even though I never been Dragon Burn but I think GeBi Heaven is much better there are many artifacts over there, it’s more like Burning Man. The American Burning Man is in desert, no water, no food, it’s hard for everyone. But the stars in the sky is really beautiful at night. When I was in there, I meet the sandstorm two times, and hailstorm. For me it’s really special experience.

Before he told me he had business in Qingdao, but it was cancelled, he went to Mongolia with me together. Our big boss want us go there together. Eight days ago, I came back to Shanghai for a day and then I went to Inner Mongolia.


It’s a new beginning for me. It’s a business festival but I think it’s interesting. I went to Inner Mongolia for a week, there were many artifacts. I told you about the festival in ZJ, I think it’s the same festival but under a different name. It’s called GeBi Heaven. Even though I have never been the Dragon Burn but ,I think GeBi Heaven is much better because there are many artifacts over there, it’s more like Burning Man. The American Burning Man is in the desert, no water, no food, it’s hard for everyone. But the stars in the sky are really beautiful at night. When I was in there, there were two sandstorms and one hailstorm. For me it was a really special experience.

Before he told me he had a business trip in Qingdao, but it was cancelled, he went to Mongolia with me together. Our big boss wanted us go there together. Eight days ago, I came back to Shanghai for a day and then I went to Inner Mongolia.