VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.pick ( ) up =接
ex: can you pick me up? 你能来接我吗?
ex: Can you pick me up from school? 你能来学校接我吗
ex: Can you pick me up from the airport? 你能来机场接我吗?

2. drop (    ) off =送
ex: can you drop me off?
ex: can you drop me off to school? 你能送我去学校吗?
ex: can you drop me off to the airport? 你能送我去机场吗?

Speaking exercise

What should your mom do at home?

she should play with my brother. She should help my grandpa to wash dishes and go to school with my brother. At weekends, she is lazy, she is sitting on the chair and watch TV and play the computer. Sometimes she will go to the shopping mall with her friends.


she should play with my brother. She should help my grandpa to wash dishes and drop my brother off to school. On the weekends, she is lazy, she sits on the chair and watches TV and plays the computer. Sometimes she will go to the shopping mall with her friends.