VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.steal (verb) =偷
ex: it’s not good to steal

2. golden ticket =金券

ex: If you have a golden ticket, you can eat a lot of chocolate for free.

3. deliver (verb) =送达

ex: The dog delivers the chocolates to the chocolate store.

4. delivery man =快递员
ex: The dog is a deliveryman 

Speaking exercise

Today I didn’t do anything. I have so many homework, and I have class morning to night. Morning I go to 四季 math class, and English class. Afternoon I have fencing class. I watch TV tonight.

In this movie, Tom Jerry Charlie and Slugworth. Tom and Jerry are very hungry, they go to the chocolate shop. Then Charlie come and give a bread to Tom. They steal chocolate because they have not got money. Charlie doesn’t want the chocolate because Charlie is good boy.


Today I didn’t do anything. I have so much homework, and I have class from morning to night. in the morning, I go to 四季 math class, and English class. In the afternoon I have fencing class. I watch TV at night. 

In this movie, there are Tom Jerry Charlie and Slugworth. Tom and Jerry are very hungry, they go to the chocolate shop. Then Charlie comes and gives a bread to Tom. They steal the chocolates because they don’t have money. Charlie doesn’t want the chocolate because Charlie is a good boy.