VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


I haven’t been there =我从没去
I haven’t had hotpot for 2 years =我两年没吃火锅
I haven’t done my nails for a long time= 我很久没做指甲了
I haven’t dated/been dating for a long time= 我很久没恋爱

let’s go for a drink! = 我们去喝点(酒)吧
let’s get some food = 我们去吃点东西吧

I have a friend, he likes black —> I have a friend who likes black.
I have a neighbor, he is a doctor –> I have a neighbor who is a doctor.
I want to go to the place, a place we went last time. —> I want to go to the place where we went last time.

he got a table, you got a table last time. —> he got a table that you got last time

I went to the hair salon, you told me about the hair salon. –> I went to the hair salon that you told me (about).


1.smelly/ stinky (adj) = 臭的
smells/ stinks (verb)=好臭
ex: It is smelly= It is stinky= 臭豆腐is stinky!
ex: ewwwwww It smells= it stinks. =臭豆腐stinks so much!

2. half and half =一半一半
ex: are there more girls or boys in the club? Half and half. = good looking

4. research = 研究
ex: She did a research on plastic surgery
ex: I did a research on elephants

5. search=搜索🔍
ex: I need to search for a good restaurant.
ex: we need to do a search on the house. 我们要翻一下家里
ex: do you have a search warrant? 你有搜查证吗?

6. temporary (adj)=暂时性的
ex: This is a temporary job.
ex: This is a temporary apartment, I will move in 3 months.

7. permanent (adj)= 永久性的
ex: This is a permanent job.
ex: you have to think carefully if you want a tattoo, because it’s permanent.

8. good- looking (adj)= 长的好看
ex: There are many good looking men in the club.
ex: Li Nian is a good looking man.

9. brainwash = 洗脑
ex: My husband brainwashed me and told me that HK is the best city in the world.

10. not allowed / banned =被禁了
ex: you are not allowed to smoke in the room.
ex: Smoking is banned. 

11. sell 卖———-sold卖了
ex: their house is sold. 

Speaking exercise

Today, I will go to gym to play badminton with club friend tonight. We have badminton club, about 200 members. Every Thursday, we are all get to gym to play it, so we need a big play ground. We need to play 2 hours, 7 to9. We are training skills single and double player. The leader of the club will told me what point you have wrong, we can change it. Every time we can change skills and learn new skills and we are have fun. Through the club, I have more friends and extended my other more hobbies, like snowboard. This club is a sports club, they have many sports in the club.

At first, I attend badminton club. In the club, they have many people like snowboard. The club president like sports very much. They told me the president haven’t had play with club member.


Today, I will go to the gym to play badminton with club members tonight. We have badminton club, there are about 200 members. Every Thursday, we go to the gym to play it, so we need a big court. We need to play for 2 hours, from 7 to 9. We are training skills for single and double players. The leader of the club will tell me about my weaknesses, we can change it. Every time we can improve and learn new skills while having fun. Through the club, I have more friends and extended my other more hobbies, like snowboarding. This club is a sports club, there are many sports in the club.

At first, I attend the badminton club. In the club, there are many people who like snowboard. The president of the club like sports very much. They told me that the president haven’t played with any club members.