VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


no have —> I don’t have any questions= no questions

i don’t like eat... –> I don’t like to eat ….

send message to her =给她发消息
send message for her = 帮她发消息


1.sensitive skin =敏感肌肤
dry skin = 干皮肤
oily skin = 油性皮肤
ex: I have dry skin, so I must put on cream after I wash my cream.
ex: I have oily skin, so I must put on foundation.

2. anti-aging = 防衰老 抗皱的
hydrating =保湿的
whitening= 美白的
ex: I’m older than you, so I must put on hydrating cream.

3. argue (verb)= to quarrel 争吵 吵架
ex: I always argue with my husband.
ex: It’s hard to argue with people with different values.

4. value (noun)= 价值观
value (verb)= 看中 重视
valued (adj)=被重视
ex: if you find a boyfriend who shares different values, you two will always argue.
ex: It’s important to be valued in your job/ in the company.
ex: I really value you, please stay.

5. take (       ) for granted = 觉得(    )理所应当的
ex: He takes her for granted, he doesn’t value her.
ex: don’t take your job for granted, you should always work hard.
ex: I take my cat for granted.

6. take care of (     ) = 照顾 (     )
took care of (      )
ex: I took care of my cat for 6 years and more.

7. gather (verb) =聚集
gathering (noun) = 聚会
ex: In Hongkong, the crowds gathered (together) in YuanLang for a demonstration 抗议游行.
ex: we have a friend gathering every Friday.
ex: let’s have a gathering on ( Monday?)

8. split the bill = AA
ex: the server will ask you “would you like to split the bill or pay together?”

9. sneak = 偷偷的
sneak in / sneak out = 偷偷进来 偷偷出去
ex: My curfew is at 10pm, so I always have to sneak out (of the house) and sneak back in.

10. sober (adj) =没喝酒的
ex: Angela was sober because she had a stomachache.

11. my type= my cup of tea 我的型
ex: Li Nian is totally my cup of tea/ my type of man, he’s so hot.
ex: PengYuYan is Angela’s type.

12. surgery (noun)= 手术
ex: she did/had a surgery last week.
ex: I have to do a surgery next month.

Speaking exercise

we had a colleague gathering on Saturday. A lot of people drunk, maybe someone pass out. I didn’t drink at all, I drink juice. My colleague ordered some whisky and sprite. I went home Someone drunk and called me phone. We gathering has not finished, I sneaked home. Someone called me get back. I took a shower and wear pajama. We gather until 12 am. I have to work tomorrow and get up early. Coco did a surgery, I sent a message for her “you have to have a rest, don’t work too hard.” She looks younger than she seems. I finish class with you to see a musical drama, my friend doesn’t like musical drama.


we had a colleague gathering on Saturday. A lot of people were drunk, maybe someone even passed out. I didn’t drink at all, I drank juice. My colleague ordered some whisky and sprite. I went home, someone was drunk and called me on the phone. Our gathering was not finished, I sneaked home. Someone called me to go/get back. I took a shower and wore/changed into my pajama. Our gathering was until 12 am. I had to work tomorrow and get up early. Coco did a surgery, I sent a message to her “you have to have a rest, don’t work too hard.” She looks younger than she seems. After I finish class with you, I will go see a musical drama, my friend doesn’t like musical dramas.