VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


1.craft =手工
ex: we will do some crafts today!

2. bachelor party =单身派对, a party before the wedding
ex: In China, we rarely have bachelor parties, but it’s very common in Canada.
ex: what do you think men do at bachelor parties?

3. prostitute =🐔
ex: It’s legal to be a prostitute in Canada.

4. pack (verb)=整理行李
ex: before going on a vacation, we must pack our things.
ex: It takes me one night to pack, I will do a checklist to make sure I pack everything I need.

5. insecure( adj)= to describe a feeling when you don’t feel safe
ex: Have you ever felt insecure in your relationship?
ex: I feel very insecure recently because i suspect my husband cheating on me.

6. cheat = 出轨 劈腿
ex: Emily cheated on her husband.
ex: I think my husband cheated on me, but I have no proof. 证据

7. deny (verb)= 否认
ex: as long as you deny, most girls will choose to forgive.
ex: Men will never admit their wrong doings, they always deny.

8. susPECT (verb)=怀疑
SUSpect (noun) =嫌疑人
ex: Before, I was only suspecting him, but now i’m pretty sure….
ex: I suspect my husband of whether he’s on a business trip or not.
ex: there are two suspects in this case.

Speaking exercise

do you see some happened in YuanLang, i saw the live in Youtube. When I travel to HK, I thought HK is very modern and beautiful, but now I thought HK is on the downfall.  I saw in news this morning on Weibo, some people say that the Li Family controls whole HK.


Did you see the recent news about some happened in YuanLang, i saw the live on Youtube. When I traveled to HK, I thought HK was very modern and beautiful, but now I think HK is on the downfall.  I saw the news this morning on Weibo, some people say that the Li Family has control over the whole HK.