VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R/W]

Today we focused on:

learned about past tense *irregular verbs*


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Write something like a story and try to use the words.

Have Hades, search vocabulary words based on his favorite video games, focusing on adjectives that describe the games characters. For example, (Big/small/fat/short/skinny/crusty/scary/slimy/)


burst- burst

weep- wept

spread- spread


1.trick= 伎俩
ex: let me show you a finger trick !
ex: do you know any card tricks.
ex: my dog can do many tricks. 

2. plank= 平板支撑
ex: I can only do a plank for one minute.
ex: it’s hard to do a plank for a long time.

3. grocery store= the place to buy small things/ little food
ex: My mom goes to the grocery store to buy some food.
ex: I can buy some carrots in the grocery store. 

4. grab= 抓
ex: I can grab my pen
ex: My friend grabbed my backpack and went home.


Dodo carried a backpack to school yesterday. He learned some funny tricks at the dog school. He balanced himself one hand on a plank on a ball. After that, he skipped for an hour. Then he hurried home for lunch. On his way home, He remembered that there was no more dog food at home. So he stopped by a grocery store and grabbed some dog food. He also tried to look for a bone as a treat but he could not find one that he liked.

Writing exercise

I caught a fish because I am hungry

My teacher taught me a new word yesterday

I threw a ball away and my dog ran to catch it.

I stood in front of the wall because I made a mistake.