VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R/W]


1. enough= 足够
ex: I have enough money to buy a toy.
ex:  I have enough time to play the game.
ex: I don’t have enough money to buy the Apple.
ex: My cat doesn’t have enough food.


How much salt should I put in the soup. Just a little, not too much. How many onions should I put in the salad? Just a few, not too many. How much pepper should I put in the stew? Just a little, not a too much. How many eggs should I put in the omelet? Just a few, not too many. How much sugar should I put in the tea? Just a little, not too much.

Salt in the soup, pepper in the stew, eggs in the omelet, just a few. Just a little, not too much. Not too many, just a few. Just a few not too many, not too many, just one or two.

Writing exercise

I like to eat strawberry, I eat them in spring and winter.  I think strawberry is has good taste, it is sweet and little sour.  But I doesn’t (满意), I want eat them everyday.

I don’t like to eat (芹菜),I (一年吃一次)them.  I think (芹菜) is doesn’t delicious, is taste bad.  But I doesn’t (满意), I want (从此)don’t eat (芹菜).


I like to eat strawberries, I eat them in spring and winter.  I think strawberries taste good, they are sweet and little sour. I don’t get enough of them, I want eat them everyday.

I don’t like to eat celeries,I eat them once a year.  I don’t think it tastes good, it tastes bad.  But I doesn’t (满意)I don’t ever want to eat celeries again.