VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R/W]


do the spelling for Sunday- Monday, prepare for spelling test next class


at: a specific time

on: a day or a date

in: a month, a season, or a year


1.trick= 小技巧 小伎俩
ex: i can do a finger trick.
ex: can you show me a card trick?
ex: if you know the tricks in math, you will be very good at math.


I made a wish on my birthday.
Ginny goes to bed at nine o’clock every night.
Canada was formed in 1967.
Grandma will visit us on August 3
we like going to the beach in the summer.

Bunny rabbit lived in a big hole under a tree. He lived with his mother. One day bunny said, now i am a big rabbit, i must have my own home. Mother rabbit said, yes bunny, you are a big rabbit now, you can make your own home, you can make it over there under that big tree. Bunny rabbit began to dig. Soon he had made a big hold for his new home. It had a front door and a back door, bunny could go in the front door and come out the back door. Now i have my own home, he said.

One fine morning, bunny rabbit sat in his own front door. He said, I must get some dinner, I am as hungry as I can be. So he went down the road to find something to eat. hop hop hop, he went. All at once he saw a big dog! oh dear, said bunny, here comes a big dog, i must run home, away ran bunny rabbit, away run the big dog after him. Soon bunny was at his front door. I will play a trick on that dog, he thought. in he went, hop hop hop. The dog began to dig at the door. But bunny ran out the back door and the dog did not find him. What a good trick, said bunny.

Writing exercise

what is you favorite subject in school? Why?
My favourite subject is singing class. Because music make me happy. The teacher is kind and nice. She sing lots of songs to us.

what is your least favorite subject in school ? Why?
My least favour subject is maths. Because I have many maths homework to do everyday. The teacher always yell at us, and we are afraid of her.


what is you favorite subject in school? Why?
My favourite subject is singing class, because music makes me happy. The teacher is kind and nice. She sings lots of songs to us.

what is your least favorite subject in school ? Why?
My least favourite subject is math, because I have a lot of math homework to do everyday. The teacher always yells at us, and we are afraid of her.