VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R/W]


write a summary about the “Halloween Cat”.


1. whine= 发牢骚
ex: I always whine to my mom ” when can we eeeeaaaattttt? I’m so hungrryyyyyyyy”.
ex: I always whine when I’m doing my homework.

2. behave (verb)= 表现
behavior (noun)= 表现
ex: do you behave well at home?
ex: we need to have a good behavior at school so our friends will like us.

3. fence= 围栏
ex: I have fence around my garden to protect it.
ex: I used to climb over my fence if I forgot my keys.

4. wide= 宽的
ex: the road is very wide in Canada.

5. frightened= very very scared
ex: Lily is frightened when she sees spiders.
ex: Mary is frightened when she sees a big fly.

6. rub= 搓
ex: if you are very cold, you can rub your hands.
ex: the table is a little dirty, I will rub it with my hands.

7. against= 对抗
ex: I am against smoking= I don’t think people should smoke.
ex: I am against teachers giving out too much homework.

8. perhaps= maybe
ex: Perhaps you will eat McDonald again tomorrow.
ex: Perhaps I will go home early today.


meow sang a black cat as she sat on the fence on Halloween. Meow meow meow. A dog growled. The cat jumped down and hid under the porch steps. She had ver had a home or anyone to feed and love her. Tonight she was very hungry, so when everything was quiet, she came out from under the porch. The side of the house was open just a little, and a light was shining out across the yard. It looked so warm and bright inside that  the cat ran up on the porch and right into the house. The black cat had never been in a house before, and everything in the room seemed very strange to her. A table was set for a party, and right in the middle of it was a jack o lantern. Light was shining from his round eyes and funny nose and wide mouth.

Oh how frightened the black cat was until she saw that the jack o lantern was smiling at her! he looks like my good friend the moon, she thought, he will not hurt me. So the black cat jumped on the table and rubbed against the jack o lantern. He felt nice and warm. The she looked all about her and by each plate she saw a tiny black cat. The tiny black cats looked like mice.

Perhaps these things are mice, she thought. But how still they are. She reached out and touched one of them with her paw, and the tiny cat fell over. It’s head came off, and out rolled some small pieces of candy.

A cup of milk was by each plate. When the black cat saw the milk, she gave a loud meow. She put her head down into one cup and drank every drop. Suddenly the cat heard a terrible noise. Before she could jump off the table, a crowd of children ran happily into the room, shouting and blowing horns. Some were dressed like brownies One was dressed like a witch, and one like a fairy. The black cat had never seen or heard anything like this before. She was so frightened that she could hardly move.

Kind little Ruth tried to coax her, come poor kitty, nice kitty, she said. But the black cat only dug her claws deeper into the jack o lantern. Her tail grew big. She humped her back up very high and showed her teeth. Ruth poured part of her cup of milk into a saucer. Mother set the saucer down on the floor.

Writing exercise

Today I went to the pet shop to wash my cat. I saw there are some new cat in the pet so I like them very much. When my cat is washing , she didn’t shout or bite at somebody, so she is very good in the washing. All people in the shop like her.


Today I went to the pet shop to wash my cat. I saw there are some new cats in the pet shop so I like them very much. When my cat was taking a bath , she didn’t whine or bite at anyone , so she was very good/she behaved very well in the washing. Everyone in the shop likes her.