VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R/W]


1.worth= 值得
ex: is it worth your time to learn English twice a week?
ex: do you think it’s worth it?

2. fairy= 仙女
ex: I wish I could be a fairy so I will never get old.

3. brought= past tense of “bring”
ex: I brought my cat to school.
ex: I brought my water because I’m thirsty.

4. hid= past tense of “hide”
ex: Lily hid under the table so Aiai couldn’t find her.
ex: Aiai hid in the garbage can and she smelled so bad.
ex: Aiai hid behind the couch.

5. shake= 摇晃
ex: if you want to eat apples, you can shake the apple tree.
ex: I ask Aiai, are you hungry? Aiai shakes her head.

5. nod= 点头
ex: I ask Aiai, do you want to be a fairy? She nods.
ex: Aiai asks Lily, do you want some chocolates? Lily nods.


Once upon a time there was poor woman who had a son named Jack. One day she said, y son, we have no money for bread. You must take our cow to market and sell her. So Jack started off to market with the cow. on the way he met a man who had some bright colored beans in his hands. My boy, do you want to sell your cow? asked the man. I am going to market to sell her, said Jack. I have some very wonderful beans, said the man. They are worth more than diamonds. I will give them to you if you will give me your cow. Very well, said the boy. He gave the cow to the man and the man took the beans home. When his mother saw the beans, she began to cry. Our cow is gone, she said, and these beans are worth nothing. She threw the beans in the garden.

What a strange sight Jack saw the next morning, there was a beanstalk as thick as a tree so tall it reached from the earth to the sky. I knew those were wonderful beans, cried the boy. Perhaps I can find some food at the top of the beanstalk. I will climb up to see.

Up and up Jack climbed, until the earth was far below. But still the top of the beanstalk was high above him. By and by he stopped to rest. Then he thought of this poor hungry mother and he climbed highter and higher. After a long time Jack reached the top of the wonderful beanstalk, what a beautiful country, he cried. Nearby he saw a castle fine enough for a king. While he was looking at it, a fairy came and stood beside him. See that beautiful castle! said the fairy. I will tell you a story about it. Once a good king and his queen lived in that castle with their little son. Not far away lived a great giant, who wanted to king’s gold. So one night he broke into the castle and killed the king as he lay asleep. The queen had taken the little to the earth below for a visit. When he heard that the king had been killed, she was afraid to go back to the castle, so the queen and her son started on the earth and lived in a little house. Jack, that poor queen is your mother.All the things in the castle were your father’s. are you afraid to try to get them back. I am not afraid of anything, said the young boy, It is worth trying.

Then go to the castle, said the fairy, get the hen that lays golden eggs and the magic harp that talks. Jack went up the path and knocked at the castle door. The giant’s wife opened it at once. Go away, said the woman, don’t you know that a giant lives here? He will kill you if he sees you, here he comes now, quick, hide in that little room. Just as jack hid himself, the big giant came into the castle. He was so heavy that he made all the tables and chairs shake as he walked. The giant looked all around the room. Then he growled in a deep gruff voice, wife wife, I smell a boy in the castle, where is he?

Writing exercise

One day, I want to eat a candy, but I can’t because I’m sick. When I’m sad, my dad buy me some candies, so I’m happy.


One day, I want to eat a candy, but I can’t because I’m sick. When I’m sad, my dad buys me some candies, so I’m happy.