VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R/S]


hate hat, height (high t)

down, clown

mile- mai yo

bile, pile, kite, bite, puke, huge

private- pri vate


1 frightened= super scared

ex: He has always been frightened of heights.

2 logical= with reason

ex: Some people say that men are more logical than women, women are more emotional.

3 harmless= no harm, not dangerous

ex: children, babies, rabbits, turtles, kites are harmless

4 clowns= a man who wears costume and makeup (big red nose)

ex: when we go to the amusement park (Disneyland), we can play with clowns.

5. irrational (yee RAtion nou): without reason

ex: It’s easy to make irrational decisions when we are young.

6. phobias (FOU bee yas)= irrational fear of something

trypophobia- fear of holes

claustrophobia- fear of being in a small enclosed space.

acrophobia- fear of height


We can be frightened for all kinds of reasons; some are logical, such as a fear of snakes which might bite you, but people can be frightened of all sorts of  things, many of them harmless: clowns, butterflies, clocks, moonlight. We call them phobias, and there are long lists of these phobias, most of them seemingly totally irrational.

Speaking exercise

I went to America with my friends. It was a twelve day trip, we arrived San Francisco, from SF to LA, then to Las Vegas. Before this trip, I never go to America, after this trip, I think America is not good enough as before. I don’t like this country, the important thing is America haven’t enough delicious food. This morning I come back to office, my colleague told me that “oh Essie, you look so thin”, I said “yes, I haven’t eat anything two days because American haven’t another food beside burger”. Second reason is I found that some cities like SF is not very modern as I think. Maybe when we arrived there, it’s weekend. The streets, shopping mall not enough people. That’s why I think it’s not very busy, maybe NY is different. The third reason is a lot of things are very expensive. I found that when I was shopping in America, it haven’t tax free. When you shopping in Europe, it’s able to tax free.

Even I don’t like America, but about this trip, it still have a lot of funny with our friends. We drive by ourselves from route 1, to route 101 (from SF to LV), it’s a long trip. We saw a lot of beautiful views during this road. For example, 17 mile, it’s private road by rich people. Camille Town is a beautiful country-style town. We watched a NBA show in SF, the teams were GS Warriors and Heat. I think NBA show is very exciting in live, it’s very different to watch beside TV. I not NBA fans, but my friends, they are. So they want to go to his, so I follow this.


I went to America with my friends. It was a twelve day trip, we arrived at San Francisco, then we traveled from SF to Las Vegas. Before this trip, I have never been to America, after this trip, I think America was under my expectation. I don’t like this country, the most critical reason is that there aren’t any good food in America. This morning when I came back to the office, my colleague told me that “oh Essie, you look so thin”, I said “yes, I haven’t eaten anything for two days because in America, there aren’t any other food besides burger”. The second reason is I found that some cities like SF was not as modern as I thought. Maybe when we arrived there, it was the weekend. The streets and the shopping malls were a little empty.  That’s why I think it’s not very busy city, maybe NY is different. The third reason is that a lot of things were very expensive. I found that when I was shopping in America, it wasn’t tax free. When you shopping in Europe, it’s able to tax free/ (you can get tax refunded at the airport).

Even though I don’t like America, but it was still a fun trip with our friends. We drove  by ourselves from route 1 to route 101 (from SF to LV), it was a long drive. We saw a lot of beautiful views during this trip. For example, 17 mile, was a  private road owned by rich people. Camille Town is a beautiful country-style town. We watched a NBA show in SF, the teams were GS Warriors and Heat. I think NBA show is very exciting to see in live, it’s very different experience than to watch on TV. I am not a fans of NBA, but my friends are big fans. So they wanted to see it, so I follow them.