VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R/S]


read the article and write down words you aren’t familiar with:


13,14,15,16,17,18,19= thirTEEN fortEEN fifTEEN sixTEEN
30,40,50,60,70,80= THIRty, FORty, FIFty, SIXty, SEVENty, eighty

hundred= hun drid

world= were old
word= werd


1.gym= 健身房
ex: You can go to the gym to keep up with your health.
ex: More and more people choose to go to the gym to exercise. out (verb)= 健身
ex: After working, you can work out in the gym.
ex: Working out can help you to keep fit.

3. fit= 正好的
ex: he’s not fat nor skinny, he is fit.
ex: I need to work out to be fit.

4. chubby 肉肉的>> fat>> obese
ex: Your baby is so chubby and cute.
ex: Your daughter is so chubby.
ex: I am a little chubby, I need to lose weight.

5. millionaire= 百万富翁
billionaire = 亿万富翁
ex: if I were a billionaire, I would travel around the world and buy a villa.

6. house= 别墅 🏠
apartment= 公寓
townhouse= 连排别墅 share a yard
ex: In Canada, I live in a big house.
ex: You can have your own garage车库and backyard 后花园 in the house.

Speaking exercise

I will have a short holiday. My holiday will begin from tomorrow to Sunday this week. I will plan to study and to do yoga during this holiday. At daytime, I will go to library and nighttime I will go to gym one hour to two hours.


I will have a short holiday. My holiday will begin from tomorrow to this /coming Sunday this week. I will plan to study and to do yoga during this holiday. In the daytime, I will go to the library and in the nighttime I will go to the gym for one hour to two hours.


Bunny boy was a white rabbit. He was a happy rabbit. Bunny boy liked to play with Anna and Ned. He liked with play with Spot the cat, and Jack, the dog. They all liked Bunny Boy. What fun they had. One dayBunny boy was playing in the yard with Spot and Jack. Bunny found a big dark hole under the house. “What a big hole!” he said. “I will hide in it. Spot and Jack cannot find me. ” So Bunny jumped into the hole. Down down down he fell. “Oh oh said bunny boy, how it down here. I am all black, too.” Where is Bunny boy, said Ned.