VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R/S]


throw throat
shrimp shrink shower shout shush shut up
sink sunk suck sour


1.throw (verb)=扔
throw away= 扔掉 不要
ex: Can you throw away the garbage?
ex: Didi, throw the ball!

Speaking exercise

I am going to Dragon Burn Festival in AnJi town. Our company was building 2 domes over there. So I want to go there to watch. I think it’s very funny, we can drinking, eating ,dancing day and night, we can see the music shop. We will live in the tent and swim in the reservoir.


I am going to Dragon Burn Festival in AnJi town. Our company built 2 dome theaters over there. So I want to go there to watch movies. I think it will be very fun/interesting, we can drinking, eating ,dancing day and night, we can go to the music show. We will live in the tent and swim in the reservoir.


Carlo was a big dog. He lived with grandfather on the farm. Carlo was a good farm dog. He helped grandfather. Everyday he went after the cows. Carlo liked to go to the fields with grandfather. One day Jim came to the farm. He was playing with Carlo. Jim wanted Carlo to do tricks. “Carlo can not do any tricks”, said grandfather. But he is a farm dog and knows how to help a farmer. He gets the cows for me. He runs after the crows that come to eat the corn.The crows do not like him.
Jim said “Oh grandfather it must be fun to see Carlo go after the crows. Let us take him to the girls now. We may see some crows there. I want to see Carlo run after the crows”.
Grandfather and Jm took Carlo to the corn field. They saw some big black crows. “Go Carlo!” cried grandfather, “go after the crows”. Carlo started after the crows. The big birds flew away, but some of them came back soon.