VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R/S]


was= wuz
very wet

There is a huge duck and a big bug on the rug.
This dude is eating nuts in a red mug.

ea- beat, heat, neat, preach, least, feast, mean, peach, yeast, wheat, breach, teach, fear, tear
oa- boat, coach, boast, loaf, moan, toast, roast, loan, lone


Once a little yellow duck went for a walk, as it went along the road, it met a gray kitten. I wish I could talk that way. But little duck could not say “mew. Soon it came to a big brown dog. “Bow-wow” said the dog. “Oh,” said the little duck, “What a pretty way to talk, I wish I could talk like that”. The little yellow went one. By and by it saw a pretty bird. “tweet tweet” said a bird, “what a pretty way to talk, I wish I could talk that way”.

Speaking exercise

I got up at 10 am and I walked to my beauty salon for 15 mins. Today was not busy, my colleague a glass of milk tea for me. I  was very happy. I walked out at 7pm. I went to the class by subway for 15 mins.


I got up at 10 am and I walked to my beauty salon for 15 mins. Today was not busy, my colleague bought a glass of (a cup of ) milk tea for me. I  was very happy. I finished work at 7pm. I went to the class by subway for 15 mins.