VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R/S]


serious= SEE ree yes

present= PREsent
present= preSENT

politician= po li TI sion
impression= imPREssion 深
version= VERsion 深

completely = comPLEE t lee
probably= PRO ba blee
biography= buy O gra fee


1.underwear= 内裤
ex: we must wear our underwear at all times.

2. don’t judge a book by its cover= don’t judge someone by his appearance
ex: if you see a young girl holding an older man, he might be her father. We can’t judge a book by its cover. 

3. gold digger= 拜金女
ex: There are lots of gold diggers in Shanghai.

4.a light read 文笔轻松,欢快的小说
ex: When I want a light read, I will read comics. take one’s mind off work 不再思考工作
ex: You need to take your mind off him, you need to move on.
ex: you need to take your mind off the exam, it’s already over, just wait for your mark. intellectual 知识分子
ex: The man reading the biography wants you to think that he is an intellectual.

7. trash (noun)= garbage
trash can= garbage can垃圾桶
ex: you need to throw away your own trash. 

8. shallow= 浅的 肤浅的
ex: I am very shallow, I only like good looking people.

9. uniform= 校服
ex: we only have to wear our uniform on Monday.


What are other passengers reading? Perhaps a woman sitting near you is reading a trashy romantic novel. A man is reading a serious biographyabout a politician. And there’s a student reading an English textbook.

What do their choices say about them? Do you judge them by what they are reading?

I have got to tell you that your impressions of them are probably completely wrong. The woman reading the romantic novel could be a lawyer. She just wants a light read to take her mind off work.

The man reading the biography wants you to think that he is an intellectual, but he is just showing off. The student reading the textbook isn’t a student at all. She’s an English teacher.

Publishers know that some people are self-conscious about what they read on public transport and so they put out different versions of a cover. For example, books about Harry Potter have an original cover for young readers and then another more serious version for adults.

So next time you are on a train, look around and see what other people are reading, but don’t jump to any conclusions. You will probably be wrong.

Here is a situation where you could say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover“.

Speaking exercise

does first impression count?

Yes, because I always judge a person by its appearance. If he looks pretty, I will like him. After a long period of interacting with him, maybe I will find he is not a good person. He will pay more attention on on clothes and shoes but lose his focus on his study or work.


Yes, because I always judge a person by his/her appearance. If he looks pretty, I will like him. After a knowing  him, maybe I will find out that he is not a good person. He will focus on his clothes and shoes and slack off on his study or work.