VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R/S]


Whose pen is this?= 这是谁的笔

ex: on the bed, on the floor, on the lake, on the farm, on the street, on the tree

at= 在…里/在…处
ex: at home, at school, at the airport

in=在… 里
ex: In Shanghai, at 静安寺
ex: in a car, in a taxi, in a boat, in the sky, in class


1.pick up/ throw away
ex: Can you pick up the rubbish?
ex: Can you throw away the rubbish?

Speaking exercise

I never feed the dog/cat. Sometimes I make the bed once a month. I often do the housework once a week. I usually drink tea 3 times a month. I always get up at 6:30 am.


English for everyone- page 22-25