VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


1.fine dining= 高级餐厅
ex: I go to fine dining every week with my friends.
ex: In America or Canada, there is a dress code for fine dining . 

2. dress code= 着装要求 着装规定
ex: some companies have a strict dress code, you must wear black to work.
ex: is there a dress code for the party?

3. renovate (verb)= 装修
ex: when I renovate my house, I like the contemporary style.
ex: The 10th floor has been renovating/ under renovation for a long time.

4. jeopardize = 损坏 危害
ex: Having a baby might jeopardize your career.
ex: If I go out with you, it will jeopardize my relationship with my boyfriend.

5. rival= 竞争者 对手
ex: our company is well ahead of its rival.

6. unaware of= 没有意识到 察觉到
ex: I was unaware of the noises around me, I didn’t hear you.

7. trend= 潮流 趋势
trendy= 流行的
ex: your jacket is really trendy, it look so cool.
ex: If you understand the trend of the fashion market, you will make lots of money.

8. stock market=股票市场
ex: I can never understand the trend of the stock market. 
ex: my mom lost a lot of money in the stock market. 


most managers can identify the major trends of the day. But in the course of conducting research in a number of industries and working directly with companies, we have discovered that managers often fail to recognize the less obvious but profound ways these trends are influencing consumers’ aspirations, attitudes and behaviors. This is especially true of trends that managers view as peripheral to their core markets.