VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


you= letter u sound y uuuuu
would= wood. could
soon spoon loon doom 乌
flew乌 blew
many: man nee
was= wuz
cry fry pry spy fries spies cried
right bright tight night light wright fight flight sight delight frightened brightened
down frown clown brown town downtown
ear rear tear
air nail pain fairy fire Claire pair Blair
all tall stall
Claire must come to work right on time.


Once there was a white bunny who wanted to be an Easter rabbit. “How can I be an Easter rabbit. “How can I be an Easter rabbit?” he said “I do not know how”. And he started to cry. Soon little gray mouse came by, saying “Squeak squeak “. White Bunny called to the mouse. But the mouse ran along, saying ” I am busy going squeak squeak, I have no time to help you today.” After the mouse had gone, a bee flew saying “buzz buzz buzz”. the white called to him, “An Easter rabbit I want to be, please will you help me?” But the little bee flew off, and the bunny heard him say, “I have so many things I have no time to stop for you”.