VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


complete the reading and give the answers.


1.flexible= 灵活的
ex: My schedule is very flexible, I can have dinner on any day.
ex: Margaret has a flexible schedule, so she can come to class on weekdays.

2. species= 种类
ex: There are many species for beetles.

3. sole = only
ex: sole winner= the only winner
ex: sole candidate= the only candidate

4. fulfill= accomplish 满足 履行
ex: do you have any dreams that you want to fulfill?
ex: the promise was fulfilled. 

5. not until (    )= 直到(  …. )才
ex: it was not until the spring of 1878 that she was introduced to Pierre. 她直到1878 才认识Pierre
ex: Not until we lose health do we know its value= 直到我们失去健康才知道健康的价值

6. saving= 存款
ex: do you have any savings?
ex: Her father lost his savings through bad investment.

7. finance (verb)= 资助
ex: can you finance me? I really want to go to school.
ex: she was able to finance her sister’s studies in Paris.
