VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


one person, 2 people, 100 people

one child, 4 children, 200 children

hair- hair
fish- fish
food- food


1. big/ small:
ex: The apple is small, that pear is big, so I like eating pear.

2. wide/ narrow: 宽/窄
ex: West NanJing Road is wide, but the hallways is narrow.

3. heavy/ light: 重的/轻的
ex: The Art book is light, but the bookshelf is heavy. 

4. clean/dirty: 干净的/脏的
ex: What a mess! The classroom is dirty, I will make it clean. 

5. loud/ quiet: 大声的/安静的
ex: I am very quiet, they are loud, so I can’t do my homework.

6. thin/ thick: 细的/粗的
ex: This book is thick, but the bookshelf is thin, so I can’t put this book in the bookshelf.

7. tight/loose: 紧的/松的
ex: Lily’s shoes are loose, but my shoes are very tight.

8. sharp: 尖锐的
ex: The glass is very sharp, you shouldn’t touch it, it’s very dangerous!


English for everyone pg. 26-29