VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


ai: sail bail rail hail nail gain rainy
ay: bay ray hay clay day pray railway

ea: meat bleach preach reading beach lean
ee: needy beef feet teenager tweet
ey: money lady donkey monkey cloudy rainy

ind: kind blind find mind rewind bind
ugh: sigh fright night bright knight might

oa: boast poach toast moan loan toad
oi (oy): oil soil boil coil foil coin voice moist


1. lion-cub
dog- puppy

2. pleased with=很满意 😄
ex: I am very pleased with my lunch.
ex: Lily is very pleased with her job

3. sniff= 用力嗅
ex: The bear is sniffing for honey.
ex: The husky is sniffing the apples.

4. bug=虫子🐛

ex: The bug is ugly.
ex: I don’t like bugs, I am scared of them

5. worm= 蚯蚓

ex: There are many worms in the farm.
ex: The worms can eat the bugs.

6.voice= 声音
ex: You have a pretty voice. 你声音很好听
ex: I lost my voice today. 我今天说不出话了

7. paw= bears feet 掌

ex: The bear has 4 paws
ex: only animals have paws, I have hands and feet.

8. toward =向
ex: I am nice toward all my students.
ex: Amber is walking toward Lily.

9. stuck= 卡住了

ex: The cow is stuck, Amber want to kill it and eat it.
ex: The husky is stuck in the cage, he wants to get out.

10. missed the (        ): 错过了 (      )
ex: I woke up late today, so I missed the plane/ bus/ train/ subway /test
ex: My classmate was sick, so she missed the test. 


A mother bear and her two cubs lived in a big park. Many other animals lived there too. They could all go anywhere they pleased in the parked and no one ever hurt them. One day the mother bear took her cubs for a walk in the woods. She wanted to teach them how to find food. She went sniffing along the ground, with the cubs behind her. Now and then she would turn over an old log. so that the cubs could find bugs and worms to eat. All at once the mother bear grunted to the cubs in her gruff voice. They both stopped and were very quiet. The mother bear stood up on her hind legs.

My, how very tall she was, she was taller than a big man. For a minute, she kept very still. Then she turned round and round, sniffing and sniffing as she turned. Mother bear smelled something very good, her nose told her that there was a picnic not far away. She grunted softly, telling the cubs to follow her. Then she began to walk so fast that he cubs could hardly keep up with her. At the top of the hill, the mother bear stopped and looked below. She grunted to the cubs again and started slowly down the hill.

The cubs thought it would be great fun to fun down the hill, but as they started to run. mother bear gave them each a hard blow with her big paw and pushed them behind her. She knew they would fall if they ran. you see, it is hard to bears run down hill, because their hind legs are longer than their front ones.