VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


memorize January – December


1.always= 100%
ex: On the weekend, I always have a class in the morning.
ex: I always have a class with Annie on Saturday,

2. usually= 75%
ex: Lily usually goes shopping, so she has many new clothes

3.often= 50%
ex: Lily often finishes her homework at school.

4. sometimes= 25%
ex: Sometimes, Lily forgets my classes, I’m not very happy.

5. never= 0%
ex: Lily never has a good rest at home.


English for everyone page 18-21

Then Molly heard a little noise behind her. She turned around to see what it was, and she saw why all the boys and girls were laughing. Penny, Jumbo, big boy, and Quack were all following Molly. Penny, the dog came first, Next came Jumbo the pig, Big Boy the rooster walked behind Jumbo. Last of all came Quack, the little duck.