VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


1.lost (verb)= can’t find something 弄丢了
lost (adj)= can’t find the way 迷路了
ex: I lost my phone, I can’t find it.
ex: I lost my pencil case, my books, my jacket.
ex: I am lost, I can’t find my way home.
ex: My dog is lost in the forest, he can’t find me.

2. shook= 摇
ex: my mom asks me if I want to do my homework, I shook my head.
ex: I want to eat the apples, so I shook the apple tree.

3. own= 我自己的
ex: I have my own room, I sleep by myself.
ex: I have my own money, I can buy some gums.

4. wonder= 好奇 想想
ex: Leo is late for 20 minutes, I wonder if he is coming.
ex: My toy is gone, I wonder if it ran away.

5. thought= past tense of “think” 觉得 以为
ex: I thought I put my phone on the table, where is it?????
ex: Leo thought today is Friday, but it’s actually Saturday hahahahaha, he has school tomorrow.
ex: I thought there won’t be any homework today, but there are LOTS OF HOMEWORK.

6. PE Class= 体育课
ex: In canada, we have PE class 3 times a week. We have dancing, badminton, basketball, volleyball, baseball, running.
ex: In Leo’s PE class, he does exercises and plays handball.


It was time to go home from the picnic, and the cars were waiting for the boys. Joe could not find Dandy anywhere. He called and called, but the little dog did not come. All the other boys helped Joe look for Dandy. But no one could find the little black and white dog, and at last Joe had to go home without him. Maybe Dandy is not lost, said one of the boys, maybe he went home. But Joe did not find Dandy at Home. He may find his way home tomorrow morning, said Joe’s father. Joe shook his head and said , it is too far for a little dog like Dandy to find his way home. Oh dear! I wish I had never let him go with us. his mother and father were very sorry for Joe.

Come and eat your supper now, said his mother, we will all look for Dandy in the morning. but Joe could not eat his supper, he was thinking and thinking about his lost dog. Poor Dandy, he said, I did not take very good care of him, maybe I’ll never see him again. Just then he heard the telephone and ran to answer it. a man was talking. Hello, said the man, do you people own a little and white dog? a boy told me you had lost me. Oh yes, said Joe, his name is Dandy. I lost him today at the picnic. He is here at my house by the park, said the man, I must go away now and I don’t know what do with him. Wait a minute please, said Joe. He called to his father and they talked for a minute. I’ll try it, Joe told his father. Then he took up the telephone again.

Hello sir, said Joe, will you please take Dandy to the road near the school? I think he can find his way home from there, but I want to talk to him first. Can you put him up to the telephone. Just a minute, said the man, then he called, here he is! Hello Dandy, said Joe. “bow-wow”. answered Dandy. Come Dandy, said Joe, come home! The man said “Dandy heard you, he is trying to get out of the house. I’ll take him right down the road and start him home, good-by.”