VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


ai: nail snail pail rail
ay: ray bay day railway lay


1. saliva (se lai va)= 口水
ex: XiaoMing has a lot of saliva.
ex: Saliva drips from the mouth.

2. allowed (a lao)=让
ex: You are not allowed to be here.
ex: You are allowed to eat in the class.

3. allowance (a lao wens)= the money you can use 零用钱
ex: I have 400 yuan for my allowance. 
ex: I don’t use my allowance, because my dad pays for everything.

4. pay = give money 付钱
ex: Can I pay you with WeChat?
ex: I can’t pay you today, I don’t have money. I am poor.

5. thirsty= want to drink water 口渴
ex: I am thirsty, I want to drink some water.
ex: I am not thirsty, I don’t want to drink water.

6. proud of= 自豪
ex: I am so proud of you, you got 100% on your math test!
ex: I am not proud of myself, because I got 85% on my Chinese test.

7. town= little city 小镇
ex: She lives in a little town.
ex: I like to go to the town for food.
ex: Linda is poor so she lives in a little town. 


Molly had four nice pets to play with. Their name were Jumbo, Big boy, Penny and Quack. Jumbo was a fat little pig who liked to dig holes with his nose. Big boy was a big white rooster who was very proud. Penny was a little dog who could do tricks and you can guess that Quack was a little yellow duck.

Molly had just come to town from the farm. She did not know any children in town, but she had a good time playing with her pets. After school started, Molly made many new friends. Al the children liked her and were very nice to her. One day Betty Jane asked Molly to come to a party at her house on the next Saturday. Molly had never fond to a party before. She was so happy that she ran all the way home to tell her mother about it.

Molly’s mother was happy, too, when Molly told her about the party. “I know that you will have a nice time”, she said “and you shall have a new dress for your first party”. Molly thought she could not wait for Saturday to come.