VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


read the article and write down words you aren’t familiar with:


he, she, we

igh: sigh bright highlight might tight wright sight
ind: kind binder find rewind
al (oh): malt talk halt stalk walk

walking working


would=wood could should
rooster after

ran run Han hun hungry hundred


1. hen = chicken (male)
ex: I have many hens in the barn.

2.poor= no money
poor (     ) = expression 可怜的 (    )
ex: Poor little dog, it’s on the street alone. it’s so cold today.
ex: Poor Oliver, he is an orphan.


It was a cold Thanksgiving Day. Big turkey and gray goose were in the hen house. All the chickens were there too. How cold it is! said gray goose. I have never seen so much snow. I don’t like this cold day at all, said Big Turkey. I wish Jack would hurry. It is time for out dinner, said the goose. everyone should be happy today. This is Thanksgiving Day. How can I be happy today? said the goose. I am hungry. I am hungry too, said the rooster. and I would like some water. But we should be glad too ave this home, the cold wind cannot get in, and the fox can not catch us.