VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


1.wood= 木头
ex: The table is made of wood. 
ex: The chair is made of wood.

2. sniff = 嗅 用力闻
ex: The little dog is sniffing for food
ex: Dogs like to sniff each other when they first meet.

3. climb= 爬
ex: The cat climbed the tree.
ex: I don’t know how to climb a tree.

4. bee= 蜜蜂🐝
ex: The bees like to smell the flowers.
ex: I got stung by the bee.

5. stung= past tense of “sting” 蛰了
ex: I got stung by the mosquitos.
ex: My sister got stung by the bees.

6. told= past tense of “tell”
ex: My mom told me not to talk to strangers.
ex: I told you “don’t do this ”

7. laugh (laf)= hahahahhahahaa 大笑
laugh at = 笑(一个人)
ex: My sister laughed at me when I fell down
ex: I was playing with my daughter and she laughed. 
ex: He laughed at me when he knew I couldn’t cook.
ex: We were laughing in the film.

8. stomachache= 肚子疼
headache= 头疼
backache = 背疼 腰疼
toothache= 牙疼
throat hurts= 喉咙痛
diarrhea (dai a ree a) 拉肚子
constipation= 便秘

9. necklace= 项链
bracelet= 手链
earrings= 耳环
ring =戒指
scarf= 围巾


I have a problem–> I have a question

don’t make this 不要制作这个
don’t do this 不要做这个


Once there was a little brown bear who lived in the woods. One fine summer morning he went for a walk. He wanted to see what he could find in the big woods. As he went along, he thought, Oh my, how hungry I am. I wish I could find something to eat. I wish I could find something good. I wish I could find some honey. All at once little bear stopped and began to sniff. sniff, sniff, sniff he went. Little brown bear began to climb up the big tree, up up up he went. At last he came to a dark hole in the tree. sniff sniff went his black nose. Oh oh oh said little bear. How good it smells. It is honey. Little bear put his brown head into the dark hold. He found some honey, but he found some bees, too. All at once a bee stung little bear on his black nose. Oh my oh my, he cried. I will climb down. So he went down the tree and ran home to his mother.
my my, said mother bear. what a big big nose you have. The little bear told his mother about the honey tree. He told her about the bees too. Mother bear laughed and laughed. You funny little bear she said. The next time you want honey you must ask me how to get it.